Wednesday, September 29, 2010

the days pass swift and silent . . .

. . . if busy and enjoy what's on hand . . .

We had a full and enjoyable weekend . . .

Lize went on a camping adventure at the sea (Betty's Bay) for three days

Meanwhile we visited the African Penguin Colony at Betty's Bay . . .

Penguin chicks basking in the sun

From hatching to about 90 days of age the chicks loose their fluff and gain blue feathers

Some interesting facts on African Penguins :

* Penguins have an average height of 1/10th of the average human's height. Penguins weigh between 2 and 4 kilograms

* Plumage and facial markings can be used to distinguish between adults and juveniles. Juveniles are entirely blue-grey colour and lack the white facial markings and black breastband of the adults

*The Penguins can reach a speed of up to 2 km/h when swimming and can dive as deep as 130 meters. A dive last for up to 5 minutes while feeding

And we visited friends living at the sea side village Sandbaai (Sand Bay)

While there I helped Annet to create a blog and Claude kept Norbert company

Sunday, September 19, 2010

the past week : a photo a day . . .

Today (Sunday) - sandals for a sunny day

Saturday . . . pooh(f)-reading the grass

Friday - cock a doodle doo . . . follow my leader . . .

Thursday - brick a brag in the grass . .

Wednesday - where flowers flourish in the face of danger

Tuesday - a picture against the wall drawn by the stem of a plant

Monday - favoured clothes for a day's work . . .

Monday, September 6, 2010

spring sprint . . .

After weeks of indoors and trying to survive the rat race, we took the dog for a walk yesterday afternoon (or rather Jessie took us for a walk . . . ).

We were thrilled at the fields rejoicing in springtime. Spring slipped unnoticed and silently into our world. Besides being aware of spring, the little girl (not so little) in the picture above turned twelve. We rejoice in her enthusiasm for life . . . by the dozen.

The most lovely and colourful vistas met our eyes. The grace of God is amazing and touching . . .
If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant . . .